Category Archives: Non classé

CLA 1000

Category : Non classé

Coupeuse Laveuse CLA1000

CLA 1000

Compact model

Options: Input tray, recycling unit


  • Stainless steel mesh belt with more than 80% perforation.
  • Double washing ramp: high and low.
  • 24 sprayers with ceramic nozzles.


  • With 3 operators
    (1 at input and + 2 at output): 200 to 400 kg/h, depending on the average size of the asparagus.


  • Fed by simply spreading the asparagus.
  • The asparagus is carried on a single belt from input to manual sorting.
  • The vertical stop automatically aligns the asparagus tips.
  • The two wheels hold the asparagus without damaging it to ensure a clean cut.
  • Easy-to-adjust cutting length: up to 27 cm.


  • The machine is made entirely from stainless steel.
  • Low maintenance: simply grease the bearings.
  • Clean water wash.
  • The saw blade should be changed according to wear.


  • Power supply: 220 V, single phase
  • Total electric power: 1 kW
  • Water inlet: 25 mm diameter
  • Water outlet: 100 mm diameter
  • Water consumption: 3.5 m3/h at 4 bars


  • Length: 5.70 m (optional extended sorting area)
  • Width: 1 m
  • Height: 1.30 m
  • Weight: 240 kg


Category : Non classé

Visio Select


Fed by our CLA800 or CLA1500 cutting/washing machine for white or green asparagus.

Options: – Weighing/counting system connected to the PLC. – Curved element and roller conveyor to remove the full crates at the end of the crate collection belt. – Empty crate storage shelf.


  • Multiple sorting criteria: diameter, length, colour, shape flaws, appearance flaws.
  • Multiple choices in terms of the number of outputs and the sorting programmes.
  • PLC.
  • Large, easy-to-use colour screen.


  • 10 to 12 asparagus/second
  • Number of operators: 7 to 10


  • Fed by our CLA800 or 1500 washing machine.
  • The asparagus is fed in on a cleated belt
    synchronised with the size grader.
  • Sorting carried out using a colour camera.
  • The asparagus is then collected in strategically positioned
  • The operator is left with the simple task of putting it into crates.
  • Options: Scales on each output, connected to the PLC.
  • The crates are removed by a shared conveyor.


  • Remote maintenance via HD internet connection.
  • The machine is made entirely from stainless steel.
  • Very easy to maintain.
  • Clean water wash.


  • The machine is compatible with white and green asparagus
  • Easy maintenance thanks to its industrial system
  • Vision system connected to the
  • Power supply: 230/400 V three phase + N + E
  • Total electric power: 4 kW


  • Total length: approx. 20 m (depends on the number of outputs)
  • Width: 1.30 m

Single-stop CLA 1500

Category : Non classé

Coupeuse Laveuse CLA1500 Simple Butée

Single-stop CLA 1500

Our top-of-the-range cutting/washing machine can be fed by a sorting belt, an electronic sorting machine (VisioSelect) or a mechanical sorting machine (MecaSelect)
Options: Input tray, recycling unit


  • Stop to align the tips.
  • Stainless steel mesh belt with more than 80% perforation.
  • Double washing ramp: high and low.
  • 32 sprayers with ceramic
  • nozzles.
  • Washing tunnel length: 1.50 m.


  • With 4 operators (2 at input and + 2 at output):
    300 to 600 kg/h, depending on the average size of the asparagus.
  • Electronic speed control


  • Fed by simply spreading the asparagus.
  • The vertical stop automatically aligns the asparagus tips.
  • The two wheels hold the asparagus without damaging it to ensure a clean cut.
  • Easy-to-adjust cutting length: up to 27 cm.


  • The machine is made entirely from stainless steel.
  • Low maintenance: simply grease the bearings.
  • Clean water wash.
  • The saw blade should be changed according to wear.


  • Power supply: 220 V, single phase
  • Total electric power: 1 kW
  • Water inlet: 25 mm diameter
  • Water outlet: 100 mm diameter
  • Water consumption: 5 m3/h at 4 or 5 bars


  • Length: 5.20 m (optional extended sorting area)
  • Width: 0.90 m
  • Height: 1.30 m
  • Weight: 215 kg

Eco 2000

Category : Non classé


ECO 2000

Compact model: Designed for sandy soil that is not very sticky
Options: Input tray, recycling unit


  • Plastic mesh belt, 50% perforated, equipped with a mobile stop.
  • Double washing ramp: high and low.
  • 24 sprayers with ceramic nozzles.


  • With 3 operators (2 at input and + 1 at output): 150 to 300 kg/h, depending on the average size of the asparagus.


  • Fed by simply spreading the asparagus.
  • The same belt carries the asparagus from input to manual sorting.
  • Before cutting, the asparagus is transported by a 50 mm wide belt.
  • The two wheels hold the asparagus without damaging it to ensure a clean cut.
  • Easy-to-adjust cutting length: up to 27 cm.


  • The machine is made entirely from stainless steel.
  • Low maintenance: simply grease the bearings.
  • Clean water wash.
  • The saw blade should be changed according to wear.


  • Power supply: 220 V, single phase
  • Total electric power: 1 kW
  • Water inlet: 25 mm diameter
  • Water outlet: 100 mm diameter
  • Water consumption: 3 m3/h at 4 bars


  • Length: 5.70 m (also available with an extended sorting area)
  • Width: 1 m
  • Height: 1.30 m
  • Weight: 200 kg

Double-stop CLA 800

Category : Non classé

Coupeuse Laveuse CLA800 Double butée

Double-stop CLA 800

Our top-of-the-range cutting/washing machine can be fed by a sorting belt, an electronic sorting machine (VisioSelect) or a mechanical sorting machine (MecaSelect)

Options: Input tray, recycling unit


  • Double stop.
  • Stainless steel mesh belt with more than 80% perforation.
  • Double washing ramp: high and low.
  • 24 sprayers with ceramic nozzles.
  • Washing tunnel length: 0.800 m


  • With 4 operators (2 at input and + 2 at output):
  • 300 to 600 kg/h, depending on the average size of the asparagus and the sorting carried out.
  • Electronic speed control


  • Fed by simply spreading the asparagus.
  • The asparagus is aligned by the stalk, then the longest is aligned by the tip.
  • The double stop system can cut all the asparagus, no matter how short.
  • The two wheels hold the asparagus without damaging it to ensure a clean cut.
  • Easy-to-adjust cutting length: up to 27 cm.


  • The machine is made entirely from stainless steel.
  • Low maintenance: simply grease the bearings.
  • Clean water wash.
  • The saw blade should be changed according to wear.


  • Power supply: 220 V, single phase
  • Total electric power: 1 kW
  • Water inlet: 25 mm diameter
  • Water outlet: 100 mm diameter
  • Water consumption: 5 m3/h at 4 or 5 bars


  • Length: 4.80 mm (optional extended sorting area)
  • Width: 0.90 m
  • Height: 1.30 m
  • Weight: 200 kg

XXL 3-output circular size grader

Category : Non classé

Calibreuse circulaire

XXL 3-output circular size grader

This compact model lets you cut, wash and size white or green asparagus.
Options: Input tray, recycling unit, water baths instead of standard output trays, diameter adjustment dials.


  • Only one operator required. This machine can also be operated with
    2 people at the input.
  • Accurate grading: the asparagus is always measured
    at the same point.
  • Double washing ramp: high and low.
  • 16 sprayers with ceramic nozzles.
  • Unparalleled cutting.


  • With three operators (2 at input + 1 at output):
  • 200 to 400 kg/h for white asparagus
  • 100 to 200 kg/h for green asparagus depending on the average size of the asparagus.


  • The asparagus is deposited one by one into
    stainless steel cells by the operator.
  • It is then cut to the desired length:
    20 to 27 cm with a minimum size of 15 cm.
  • The asparagus is washed in the tunnel.
  • It is then graded into 3 adjustable diameters (optional dials).
  • Finally, it is placed into trays or water baths (optional) by the stalk.
  • It can then be collected by the operator.


  • The machine is made entirely from stainless steel.
  • Low maintenance: simply grease the bearings.
  • Clean water wash.
  • The saw blade should be changed according to wear.


  • Power supply: 220 V, single phase
  • Total electric power: 0.75 kW
  • Water inlet: 25 mm diameter
  • Water outlet: 100 mm diameter
  • Equipped with a speed control
  • Water consumption:
  • 1.5 m3/hour at 3 bars


  • Diameter: 1.80 m
  • Height: 1.30 m
  • Weight: 140 kg
  • Size: 2 m x 2 m on the ground

XXL 4-output circular size grader

Category : Non classé

Calibreuse circulaire


This compact model lets you cut, wash and size white or green asparagus.

Options: Input tray, recycling unit, water baths instead of standard output trays, diameter adjustment dials.


  • Only one operator required.
    Can be run by multiple people.
  • Accurate grading: the asparagus is always measured at the same point.
  • Double washing ramp: high and low.
  • 16 sprayers with ceramic nozzles.
  • Unparalleled cutting.


  • With 2 operators (1 at input and + 1 at output):
  • 150 to 200 kg/h for white asparagus
  • 80 to 150 kg/h for green asparagus, depending on the average size of the asparagus.


  • The asparagus is deposited one by one into stainless steel cells.
  • It is then cut to the desired length:
    20 to 27 cm with a minimum size of 15 cm.
  • The asparagus is washed in the tunnel.
  • It is then graded into 4 adjustable diameters
    (optional dials).
  • Finally, it is placed into trays by the stalk.
  • It can then be collected by the operator. 


  • The machine is made entirely from stainless steel.
  • Low maintenance: simply grease the bearings.
  • Clean water wash.
  • The saw blade should be changed according to wear.


  • Power supply: 220 V, single phase
  • Total electric power: 0.75 kW
  • Water inlet: 25 mm diameter
  • Water outlet: 100 mm diameter
  • Equipped with a speed control
  • Water consumption: 1.5 m3/h at 3 bars


  • Diameter: 1.80 m
  • Height: 1.30 m
  • Weight: 140 kg
  • Size: 2 m x 2 m on the ground

CLA 2000 HD

Category : Non classé

Coupeuse Laveuse Haute définition


A top-of-the-range model for flawless washing

Options: Input tray, recycling unit


  • Ultra-effective washing.
  • 2 high-flow and pressure pumps.
  • Large recycling unit.
  • Double washing ramp: high and low.
  • 48 sprayers with flat jet nozzles.
  • Double stop.


  • With 2 or 3 operators at input: up to 1500 kg/h with electronic speed control.


  • Smooth input conveyor belt.
  • Stalk and tip alignment.
  • The double stop system can cut all the asparagus.
  • Double stainless steel mesh belt with slots to hold the asparagus in the washing tunnel.
  • Easy-to-adjust cutting length:
    up to 27 cm.


  • The machine is made entirely from stainless steel.
  • Low maintenance: simply grease the
  • Clean water wash.
  • The saw blade should be changed according to wear.


  • Power supply: 220 V/380 V
  • Total electric power with 2 pumps: 1 kW
  • Water consumption: closed circuit.


  • Length: 5.80 mm
  • Width: 1.80 m
  • Height: 1.25 m

Myti Roll LT1700/LT2200 mussel washing machine

Category : Non classé

Laveuse à moules

Myti Roll LT1700/LT2200 mussel washing machine

This machine, equipped with a slatted drum, is designed to wash mussels and eliminate most of the parasites that may be stuck to them.


  • Effective cleaning and removal of durable parasites such as barnacles.


  • Depends on the condition of the product
  • Very dirty mussels: 400 kg/h to 600 kg/h
    or 600 kg/h to 800 kg/h
  • Easy-to-clean mussels: 3T/h


  • Uses the rotation of a slatted cylinder and a shaft with stainless steel fingers, moving in opposite directions, to stir the mussels together.
  • Options: weight sensors to regulate the input.


  • A very simple machine.
  • Required daily rinsing.
  • Should be greased regularly.


  • Power supply: 220/240 V, single phase/50 Hz
  • Power: 3.5 kW


  • Length: 2900 or 3400 mm
  • Width: 1100 mm
  • Height: 2100 mm

Submerged oyster sorting machine with consecutive gratings

Category : Non classé


Submerged oyster sorting machine with consecutive gratings

This machine is designed to sort oysters and other shellfish in their natural setting.


  • This machine is designed to sort oysters gently, in their natural setting, to avoid causing any stress.


  • Varies according to the type of oyster (spat or ready to sell), and the desired quality in terms of sorting.


  • The basic principle is similar to the “standard” submerged sorting machine with layered gratings.
  • This machine uses consecutive gratings instead.
  • The sorted oysters are released at the side into a hopper below the gratings and placed onto an inspection belt or directly into chutes to be transferred into pouches/baskets/bags.


  • The machine is robust and made entirely from stainless steel.
  • Capacity: ≈  5 m3 of water


  • Power supply: 380 V + neutral + earth
  • Equipped with an electronic speed control for the movement of the gratings


  • Standard: 2/3/4 or 5 gratings
  • Length: from 3500 mm to 7500 mm
  • Width: 2300 mm

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